Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Human Activity Assistive Technology Change Agent

Human Activity Assistive Technology System

Imagine a world without cell phones, personal computers, MP3 players, cars, and television. Life without those pieces of technology would be drastically different. In the past century, the world has seen an unprecedented number of technological advancements. However, these advancements are often taken for granted. Most people do not realize the complexity of the processes that occur when they use technologies like the Internet or computers. Nevertheless, are the devices that people use in their day-to-day lives essential? Is technology helping or hurting society? Overall, technology is helping society because it improves the quality of life and it provides independence for physically disabled people.

The computer has changed many aspects of American society, and the Teacher Education field is no exception. A future teacher now has to consider the computer along with all of the traditional subjects when preparing to get a teaching degree. Literacy in American schools no longer means that a student can read, write, and do simple math problems. Literacy has a new branch that is required of all students to learn-the computer. The computer is a vital part of the education process of today’s youth. The process of getting a teaching degree now requires that the University student be literate and competent when it comes to using and teaching computers. Future teachers are trained how to utilize the computer to enhance lesson plans and supplement learning. Computers are not only used to drill students on previously learned material, but also to explore new ideas and find new resources. Technology assist teacher, however, was facilitating instruction as needed, to bring about a deeper understanding and relevance.

People with physical disabilities are not offered the same independence as people without physical disabilities. Assistive technologies are helping wheelchair users become more independent. Imagine a wearable robot that gives you superhuman abilities, or another one that takes wheelchair users up standing and walking again). The technology to enable wheelchair users to walk is already being developed. Imagine a wheelchair user’s excitement at the thought of walking instead of being confined to a wheelchair. This same technology allows soldiers to carry far more weight than humanly possible. It is common for soldiers to carry a hundred pounds or more of gear. Wheelchair users are not the only group of people lacking independence.

Blind people cannot drive as sighted people do. This does not mean that blind people are mentally incapable of driving. Researchers have already developed a car that blind people can drive. A blind person driving a vehicle safely and independently was thought to be an impossible task, until now. These specialized cars use an array of advanced sensors and feedback mechanisms to give blind people a sense of their environment. These special cars would provide blind people with an alternative mode of transportation. They would not have to rely on anyone else. Wearable robots and cars for the blind are helping society by providing physically disabled people their much-wanted independence.

Admittedly, not all forms of technology are currently subject to strict regulations or scrutiny. Laws currently in place do not mention such devices like GPSs, RFIDs, or black boxes. Some consumers believe that those technologies would lessen their privacy. However, that does not mean there will be never be any legal protections for consumers. Furthermore, compromises have to be made when using new technologies.  Reader’s Digest, said, “Buy a car with no black box (while you can), spurn GPS (keep maps handy) and pay tolls in cash (enjoy those lines). In other words, embrace inconvenience”. People are not forced to use new technology. It is entirely up to them whether they use a particular device. If they are not willing to trade privacy for convenience, than they should stick with less advanced ways of accomplishing certain tasks.

Still others believe that technology is making people lose their humanity. Many well-known authors wrote stories on the future. The futures they envision are cold, utilitarian, and desolate.  Technology is not making humans lose their humanity. It is normal to see people walking, biking, or jogging outside during the day. People do not enjoy staying cooped up in their homes all day long. They still enjoy doing the types of activities that the people of earlier generations enjoyed doing. Technology has a largely positive effect on society because it enables people to live longer lives and it gives physically disabled people their much-desired independence. In addition, wearable robots and cars for the blind are providing physically disabled people with more freedom. In spite of the privacy concerns of some consumers, technology allows people to complete certain tasks much faster than traditional methods. Advancements in technology are not making people lose their humanity; people still enjoy going outside and being active. Like it or not, new advancements in technology will always be right around the corner. People can choose to use these new technologies or stay stuck in the past. People in the past lived just fine without fancy BlackBerrys, iPods, HDTVs, and tablets. People of the past could never imagine the world of today.

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